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Fig. 6 | Particle and Fibre Toxicology

Fig. 6

From: Prenatal and early-life diesel exhaust exposure causes autism-like behavioral changes in mice

Fig. 6

Neonatal ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) on PND6. (a) Total number of calls emitted during the 5-min isolation period. Males exposed to DE emitted fewer USV calls compared to FA-exposed control males (*p < 0.05; Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction). (b) Frequency-step calls normalized to total number of calls by the same pup. DE-exposed mice of both sex produced fewer frequency-step calls compared to same-sex FA-exposed controls. (Male: **p < 0.01; Female: *p < 0.05; Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction). (c) Unstructured calls normalized to total number of calls by the same pup. DE-exposed mice of both sex emitted far more unstructured USV calls compared to same sex FA-exposed controls. (***p < 0.001; Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction). FA M n = 16, DE M n = 12, FA F n = 16, DE F n = 12. (See Additional file 1: Figure S3 for examples of each type of USV call)

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